Türkisgecko auf Ast
Türkisgecko auf Ast
Türkisgecko auf Ast
Opening Hours
Zoo Map

Zoo Map

Experience Animals

Frankfurt Zoo is a green oasis in the midst of the thriving Main metropolis and home to more than 4500 animals in over 400 species. On a trip across all continents, you can see the impressive animals of Africa next to lively seals and majestic lions in the neighbourhood of convivial penguins. In the Grzimekhaus, day turns into night and you immerse yourself into the mysterious world of nocturnal animals. In the Exotarium, there are snakes, crocodiles, colourful fish and frogs, and in our Borgori Forest, you can encounter great apes in a genuine jungle atmosphere.

At numerous stations, you can learn a lot about the animals and their habitats. Our large animal houses make visiting the zoo a pleasure even in poor weather.

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Zoo Map 2023
02/15/2023 2 MB (JPG)