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Zoo Map

Topics of the school tours from grade 11

You can find more information about the general conditions here.

Modern zookeeping - but how?

Scientifically managed zoos have undergone a tremendous development in recent years. They want to offer the animals a substitute territory.
What needs to be thought of when designing the enclosure, where do the zoo animals come from in the first place, how are they fed and kept busy? All these questions are answered using various enclosure examples and animal species as examples.

The tour lasts 90 minutes.

Ecosystem Tropical Rainforest

This complex and fascinating habitat is highly threatened. Adaptation strategies are identified using selected examples from the bird, fish, reptile and mammal sectors.

The guided tour lasts 90 minutes.

Adaptation of mammals to habitats (for Sek II)

In this guided tour, connections between the physique of animals and their habitat and way of life are presented. Evolutionary mechanisms are vividly explained using various examples. In the process, we learn about the diversity of the class of mammals and the reasons for this.

The guided tour lasts 90 minutes.

Apes in comparison - differences due to adaptation to different habitats

Gorilla, orangutan and bonobo - they all belong to the great apes and yet could hardly be more different. We compare how the respective species adapt to their habitats. Different environmental conditions require different social forms. Social life requires all kinds of communication. Through close observation we can learn about these.

The guided tour lasts 90 minutes.

Social behaviour of primates

Different environmental conditions require different social forms. Social life requires communication in all forms. Using different monkey species, these are determined through observation.

The tour lasts 90 minutes.